
BNP Paribas in Greece

This system is not intended to deal with commercial complaints, which are processed in dedicated separate channels in accordance with the regulations in force.

Whistleblowing framework

BNP Paribas SA, Athens branch, is committed to strict compliance with laws and regulations and to enforce the rules set out in the Group’s Code of Conduct.

The whistleblowing system, accessible from this page, allows you to report information about a crime or an offence, a threat or harm to the public interest, a violation or an attempt to conceal a violation of applicable and binding law (laws, regulations, etc.) or a breach of the Group’s Code of Conduct.

Whistleblowing reports are handled by independent experts in a confidential manner and in accordance with the regulations in force.

Whistleblowers are granted protection against the risk of retaliation provided by the bank’s internal procedures.​

Any abuse of the whistleblowing system may expose the reporting person to disciplinary sanctions or prosecution.

BNP Paribas SA, Athens branch collects and processes personal information and data about you as part of the collection and processing of your alert. For more information, you can consult our personal data protection notices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find below the most frequently asked questions:

When to report?

When you have reason to believe that a violation of the law or the BNP Paribas Code of Conduct has been committed or in the event of a threat or harm to the public interest.

How to report?

If you are an external third party, please send a letter or use the generic mailbox available below.
If you are an employee (internal or external): please refer to the bank’s intranet.

Can I remain anonymous?

Yes, your report may be anonymous. However, we recommend you to provide contact information to allow the Referent to contact you.

Will I receive any feedback on my report?

An acknowledgement of receipt of the report will be sent to you after receipt. You will then be informed of the progress in the processing of your report and of the outcome of the investigation.

Will confidentiality be ensured?

Yes, the independent experts are trained in handling whistleblowing reports confidentially and they take appropriate steps to do so.

How to contact us?

Whistleblowing reporting form:

  • via a letter sent to: BNP Paribas SA, « Strictly Confidential » Whistleblowing Referent / H-1062, Budapest, terez krt. 55-57
  • by following our Group Compliance WB channel

When making a report in a WB Channel, please indicate notably:

  • Your relationship with the bank (former employee, supplier, customer …) ;
  • Your phone number, e-mail address and best time for communication with you, and your name should you agree to share your identity ;
  • Whether you wish to remain anonymous ;
  • The location (e.g., country, Entity, company, department) where the reported facts have occurred ;
  • When the facts reported have occurred/began (year, month) ;
  • A description of the facts reported. Please provide factual information and relevant details which have a direct link with the situation ;
  • Have you already reported the situation? If yes, specify.

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